It has not been a good horse month. Last
night, my barn lost their prized mare. She had delivered a beautiful filly less
than 24 hours before she died and both were bright and doing well.
We had been hanging around watching mom and baby
for close to 2 hours just enjoying the antics of the little one and taking some care of her.
Filly sleeping standing up.
In case some of you guys can hear the voices - that's the barn/filly owner asking if I want to "wrassle" a baby and I respond "hell ya." I do not want anyone to misinterpret! She was talking about having me hold the filly while she applied some vaseline to her anus and underside of tail. I was really excited to get to hold the baby so close.
The mare went from looking amazing, to
showing discomfort, to dead, in about 30 minutes. There was nothing wrong with
her reproductive organs at all, so Dr. B thinks it was likely an aortic rupture
or blood clot. I was consumed with trying to help without being in the way.
Mostly I took the hard task of telling people as they arrived so the barn
owners wouldn’t have to. Then I assisted
while they tried to get the filly to nurse from a bottle.
That mare was the
heart of the farm.
This comes only 2 weeks after they lost a 3
year old mare to guttural pouch mycosis. Another horrible, fast, and tragic death. The only positive is that, in these cases, neither could be predicted and neither mare would have suffered.
That brings me to my mystery gelding. Dr. B
was out to see him on Sunday. I carefully described all of the behaviours that
started up after he was out to see Willy in February. His mouth is fine, so the
bit issue seems resolved and Dr.B wonders if wasn’t a metal allergy as he
thought but perhaps a symptom of something else (given the new behaviours not present at the time). His sinuses sound clear and
there are no other clinical signs to suggest what the problem is. I was assured
that everything I describe is a clear pain response. He mentioned several times
the possibility of a mass in his brain - I think he was preparing me. For now, I wait for the results of his blood
work (should be today). If nothing unusual shows up there he will be heading to
the clinic for a few days to have a head x-ray and scope. I also want to get
the chiropractor out but I think it’s better to get the vetting done first.
*Update. Blood results show nothing abnormal so Willy will be going to the clinic for further soon as I can bare to mention it to two owners who have been up for days with foaling and then trying to feed an orphan filly...
For now, we can watch bits of our first-ever free-lunging session. He was pretty super, in my opinion. I was not so good with camera handling as I was (legitimately) more concerned about properly lunging him. *Dizziness warning - there are a few moments of potentially nausea inducing camera tilts. Sorry!